Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Pollen Allergy Remedies - Treating Your Pollen Allergy Attacks

Pollen allergy remedies are widely available in the market as many people have this condition. The most common medications for this problem are Claritin and Zyrtec as they're also the widely recommended ones prescribed by physicians worldwide. If you're among these people who suffer from this problem, you may also want to try out various prevention procedures that will help lessen its attacks. For example, getting an air purifier will be a great move to do as it helps you in removing pollens that come with the area. If you're allergic to flowers, you may want to place them on other locations that you don't usually visit as they may cause you to experience allergic reactions on a daily basis.

One of the recommended pollen allergy remedies you can do is to avoid it. Basically, you'll not get any negative reactions from it as long as you avoid them. You will find the benefit of tuning it to weather professionals as they also broadcasts reports on daily pollen counts. They know that many people are having problems with this type of allergy and knowing about it will help people prepare for possible allergy attacks on that day. They can bring their medications with them or do something to avoid the allergies.

There are lots of things that people may want to avoid as part of their pollen allergy remedies. For example, make sure not to go to unfamiliar forests since they may have wild plants that can trigger fatal allergic reactions. Make sure to also consult your physician or allergist before getting any pollen allergy remedies especially if they're medications. They will prescribe the right medications that will help you get treatment for this problem. Some on the other hand may need other approaches aside from capsule medication to be free from this issue.

Tag :  allergy remedies,allergy,allergy attacks,pollen allergy remedies

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Five Secret Natural Allergy Remedies To Try

Approximately one out of every ten Americans suffers from allergies of some type. Allergies are the body's natural reaction to any foreign substance. When the body encounters one of these substances, it produces many different substances, including histamines. Once released into the body, these cause tissue swellings called allergies. Allergies can affect many different parts of the body including the lungs, skins, nasal passages, sinuses, and stomach. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include intestinal pain, bloating, mood swings, exhaustion, throat swelling, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, swelling or bloating of the skin, watery eyes, itchy nose, and sneezing. There are many things that cause allergies including pollen, mold, flowers, dust mites, grass, and spores. Additionally, food and chemicals can be an allergy trigger. The medical community has come up with all sorts of ways to treat allergies, but many people shy away from modern day medicine because of the extensive side effects associated with some of the treatments. It is often the case that the treatment is worse than the cure.

One natural allergy remedy is butterbur. Butterbur is a plant that grows in marshy areas and has three foot leaves. They can be found across Europe, in Asia, and in North America. It is a gentle, natural remedy that is free of antihistamines for those who wish to treat hay fever. It has been used for centuries to treat all sorts of ailments, but it has been found most effective at treating allergy style symptoms. It can also help reduce the muscle spasms associated with allergies. Butterbur is typically taken in tablet form, as the plants themselves can be toxic if not properly processed. The roots are dried, beaten to powder, and combined with other natural ingredients to create the tablet. It is best to take one tablet three times a day, but consult the packaging for more specific instructions.

Another natural allergy remedy is locally grown honey. This product can assist with hay fever and other pollen allergic reactions. It is important to start with small amounts. Approximately a teaspoon per day should help. You must first ensure the honey agrees with your body. If it doesn't, discontinue use immediately. If you notice discomfort in the gastrointestinal area, it is important not to use it again. The goal is to work up to several teaspoons per day to ward off hay fever. If you decide to use honey, be sure to do several things first. Talk to your doctor before you try any natural remedies. Remember that you might have a bad reaction to the honey. Not every treatment works for every person. You should only purchase non-pasteurized honey. The honey should be purchased from a local beekeeper or at a local farmer's market to ensure the freshest quality available is consumed. Try to make sure the honey was collected at the same time of year that you suffer from allergies. This will increase the effectiveness of this cure. To make sure you get the best results possible, use the honey one month before your typical allergy season. Using it in the midst of your difficult season won't be enough. Also, do not heat the honey. It decreases its natural healing properties. One last note, begin with a small amount and increase gradually.

Another natural allergy remedy is green tea. People who regularly consume green tea have noticed that they suffer less from sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Green tea is best consumed in purer forms. Don't pollute it with additives like honey, and don't use chemically processed tea either. It is important that you consume at least one cup per day. You should try to work your way up to three cups per day. It does not matter if the tea is consumed hot or cold.

An additional natural allergy remedy is Echinacea. This herb has been known to treat all sorts of problems, including hay fever. It aids in the production of interferon, which assists with decreasing the swelling in tissues, which, in turn, helps stop the runny nose and watery eyes associated with allergies.

One final natural allergy remedy is vitamin C. You become extremely susceptible to allergens if your diet does not contain enough of this essential vitamin. Vitamin C detoxifies foreign substances entering the body and strengthens your cells. Dosages can be up to one thousand milligrams per day.

Tag : allergy remedies,natural allergy remedies,allergy

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Home Remedies For Allergy Relief

Most people fall sick sneezing, coughing and get a sore throat during spring. The problem is that the symptoms of the common cold and allergic reactions are almost similar. They include running nose, sore throat, fever, wheezing and sneezing. Hyper reactions can occur at anytime and can affect anyone. The good news is that there is an allergy relief that can cure these reactions.

Most people do not realize they have allergies and assume it to be the common cold. Therefore, they treat it using unsuitable treatments. It is therefore, advisable to get checked regularly by medical professional to determine whether it is a cold or a reaction. The main difference between cold and a reaction is that latter lasts longer.

Most allergic reactions last as long as months or years. There are several differences between the common cold and allergic reactions. One is that a reaction is normally not accompanied by fever. The other thing is that aching bones, fever and blurring vision are associated with the common cold. Allergic reactions is an abnormal reaction caused by the presence of foreign material in the body. These materials are consumed in food or inhaled in the air. The good news is that the reaction can be managed, though the treatment should be done in the early stages.

Natural treatments have gained a lot of popularity over the years. They are best suited for people who fear taking prescriptions. The best way to reduce inflammation is to stop taking foods identified to cause the problem. The other alternative is to remove the allergen in the food. The only effective way of getting rid of the problem is to avoid the foods at all costs.

Reactions differ according to the allergen. Most reactions include wheezing, sneezing and running nose. Others react by developing swellings, pimples and rashes on different parts of the body. A good remedy should help get rid of the symptoms completely. It should also strengthen the immunity system to increase its ability to fight allergens. Home remedies are popular because they do not contain chemicals.

Prescription drugs are made in the lab, meaning that they contain a lot of chemicals. They can cause serious harmful effects to the body including drowsiness, lack of sleep or loss of appetite. They can make ones performance be hampered yet they may not provide effective cure. That is why people prefer to go for herbal medicines and not over the counter prescriptions. One can use them daily for long time without feeling any kind of irritation at all.

Most natural remedies today seek to boost immunity system to enable it fight effectively. One of the most widely used remedies is eucalyptus. Its soup can help reduce inflammation of the throat, loosen mucus and also strengthen immunity. It is a powerful herb used as an antiseptic. It is also used in chest rubs and in pain reliever ointments.

Other powerful natural remedies include herbs such as red clover herbs, alfalfa herbs and licorice roots. These herbs can also be used to treat other diseases such as asthma and hay fever. To get the best allergy relief, most of them are taken in tea or in form of juices.

Sick and tired of going through your allergy attacks? Get natural allergy relief tips and asthoma treatment advice by going to our site. New report shows you how anyone can again enjoy the wonderful feeling of an allergy free lifestyle without using drugs and suffering from any side effects.

Tag :  allergy remedies,home remedies,allergy relief

Monday, 14 March 2011

Dog Allergy Remedies - Here Are Your Options

Dogs are just like humans as they also experience allergic attacks. The only difference is it's not that easy to diagnose the cause of this problem on dogs. Hence, it might need you to do several things for you to know if they have allergy and its causes. This includes taking note of several behaviors and physician conditions like scratching, licking on a regular basis, ear infections and skin problems. You can bring your pet to a veterinarian but expect that the charge may be too much for your budget. Fortunately, it's possible for you to treat your dog by doing several dog allergy remedies at home to help you save money. There are several things that can serve as allergen to your pet. Examples of these are plastic, collars, fabrics, and other cleaning products. Apart from external allergens, internal allergens can also cause them to have these symptoms like dong food, crackers, and bones. Pollen allergens can also cause them to have allergic reactions and even dust mites that have been mixed with the air. Take note of the symptoms and the things that are causing these to your pets. Check also if symptoms are getting worse upon taking in something. If these symptoms continue to occur, then you can bring it to your veterinarian to get the right treatment option.

First of all, they will be subjected to several tests in order to find out the primary causes of this condition. Upon knowing the results, the veterinarian will administer several treatment options to solve the problem. Apart from testing, they will also consider your journal in taking note of the right dog allergy remedies for your pet. You can also take advantage of various natural dog allergy remedies if you want to have a more natural approach on things. The procedure may not be that easy but as long as you're patient with them, your pet will surely get the right solution for them. Veterinarians may also prescribe various dog allergy remedies, which can be purchased from their pharmacy. Atopica is one known medication or skin allergies. Chlorpheniramine Maleate is a prescribed antihistamine useful for immediate allergic treatment. Hydroxyzine can provide relief on scratched areas because of allergy or hot spots. Hydroxyzine pamoate is a treatment option which needs sedation but helpful for several allergic attacks.

Medrol is an anti-inflammatory medication helpful for dog allergies. Make sure to consult the veterinarian for the best approach and medication, as they know the best one for your canine pet. Natural dog allergy remedies that you can do at home include oatmeal baths. Just like in humans, this type of bath is great for dogs with flaking skin. Dog shampoos include medicated formulation can also provide relief for this dog condition. Apart from suing various products in treating your pet, remember that it's also a great help if you'll change their daily diet. An approach you can do is to remove food with gluten as they're considered to be allergens for dogs with sensitive stomach. Antihistamines you can buy without prescription is also helpful in avoiding allergic reactions. Since you'll not meet up with your veterinarian during this time, you can ask them on phone about the right medication depending on their size, breed, weight and age. Providing dog allergy remedies can be a daunting task for you but a little patience will assure your pet's safety.

Tag :  allergy remedies,dog allergy remedies,dog,allergy

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Natural Allergy Remedies That Give Relief From Symptoms Without Side Effects

If you're thinking about taking natural allergy remedies, then you'll be pleased to know that they can alleviate symptoms without side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth or other complications. In this article, you'll learn about what to look for in a good supplement and some other tips you can take to get your allergies under control.

A good natural allergy remedy must be able to control inflammation effectively. Inflammation is the body's natural response to a toxin or pathogen. In the case of allergies, the body responds by sending white blood cells and fluid to the area that is affected by the allergens.

Taking natural anti-inflammatories can inhibit this response and stop the suffering. Natural supplements made from MSM, turmeric and ginger can be helpful. Also taking omega-3 fatty acids in the form of healthy oils, such as flax seed oil or olive oil can help. MSM is particularly helpful for treating hay fever.

The reason that natural allergy remedies are much more effective than drugs is that they do not have side effects and rather than just suppressing symptoms, they contain nutrients that help to build immunity and improve your response to allergens over time. If you are a long time allergy sufferer, the hope of permanent relief is meaningful goal to shoot for.

Ingredients to look for include eyebright, quercitin, arsen alb, nat moor and kali mur. This is a combination of herbs, flavonoids and tissues salts that maintain proper histamine levels (which prevents an allergic response) and promote healthy lungs and good circulation. This formulation is one of the most effective natural allergy remedies available today.

You may also want to cut certain foods from your diet that many people are allergic to like wheat and dairy products. Since dairy is a mucus-producing food, it can worsen post nasal drip and other allergy symptoms.

Another suggestion for those who also suffer from asthma or have other respiratory issues is to use eucalyptus oil. This is important because post nasal drip and excessive mucus can cause headaches, sore throats and problems breathing or bronchitis.

So there you have it: a natural allergy remedy that is healthy and will not make you feel drowsy or cause other unwanted side effects. Take care of your symptoms by giving your body the nutrients to build a strong immune system and restore proper histamine levels rather than taking over-the-counter or prescription drugs.

Tag :  allergy remedies,natural allergy remedies,symptoms,relief

Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Best Natural Allergy Remedies - 3 Ways to Prevent or Minimize your Allergies!

The most probable cause why we get allergies is because of three things: the air we breathe, the weak immune system and too much chemical intake. There are a lot of natural  allergy remedies you can use to all of those things. For example, getting an air purifier, humidifier or dehumidifier will improve the air you breathe. You should change your diet and eat more natural food (help boost your immunity system), and there are some other herbal and chemical free remedies you can use to improve your allergies.

So lets start with the air. Too little or too much humidity in the air is damaging for allergy sufferers. The dry air hurts our sinuses badly, the humid air can cause the bacteria in the air and create mildew or mold as well. So to prevent that from happening, you should get a humidifier, dehumidifier or air purifier. One brand that has it all in one model is Danby Dehumidifier.

The immune system weakens each allergy we get. Especially if you have terrible problems with sinuses, because if you get infection in your sinuses, Doctor proscribes antibiotics, and if you get frequent sinus infections, antibiotics weaken your immune system. Don't get me wrong, when you have infection you have to take the antibiotics, but you also have to boost your immune system. Some natural remedies you can take to minimize your allergies is taking more of C vitamin preferably eating the natural food such as oranges and lemon juice. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and it is the best natural food to kill the bacteria. One of the good books you can get is the "Top 100 immunity boosters". It gives you a lot of information about healthy food and vitamins and minerals it has in itself.

There are a lot of natural allergy remedies people take to prevent and cure their allergies. Some of 10 Natural Allergy Remedies are SinuCleanse, Sinus Buster Allergy Formula, Breathe Right Nasal Strips and many others. Herbs and other natural remedies have been used for many years before the man made drugs.

The problem why some people go from having mild allergies to heavy is in not treating it properly from the beginning. Sometimes the allergies are not even diagnosed until few years later. The abuse our body suffers during this time is terrible and that is why it gets harder and harder for us to cure them. So the best natural allergy remedies are to improve the air we breathe, to boost our immune system and to take less chemicals, and more natural supplements to prevent and minimize our allergies.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Allergy Remedies - Natural and Man Made

Allergy Remedies come in 2 main flavours - natural and man made. Which type you prefer depends on your approach to life in general because health is such an intimate and far ranging issue.
Natural remedies also come in different types.

Nutritional Remedies or nutritional supplements consist of natural products like vitamins or vitamin like substances. They are simply part of your normal diet or maybe part of what should be our normal diet. Allergies consist of an inflammatory response by the body to a trigger substance, called an allergen. The purpose of the allergic response is to neutralise or heal the harm done by the allergen. The purpose of nutritional remedies is to help the body in its work. To do this we would supply natural anti-inflammatory such as vitamin C and various similar helper substances called bioflavenoids.

Herbal Remedies are usually mild herbal teas or sometimes herbs made into herbal tinctures. These are extracts of the herb dissolved into a small amount of alcohol and sold in small bottles often with a dropper in the lid. Teas and tinctures are very easy to take, making it easy to treat children. Teas can be sweetened with honey and tinctures can be taken along with a juice although get your herbalist to give you clearance on this. Typical herbs used to treat allergies are butterbur and eyebright.
Homeopathic remedies are not often thought of as allergy remedies and the homeopathic practitioner would ask an allergy patient many questions that seem to be have little connection with his or her allergy symptoms. After a very careful analysis of your answers you'll be given a remedy that fits you. It is very difficult to give general homeopathic remedies because it is very individual but as an example homeopathic Allium Cepa could be used in a case of hay fever where you had eye irritation and a runny nose.

Man made remedies have their place. They are the product of a pharmaceutical company's laboratory. The molecules they produce are often similar to natural substances but different enough so that the company can patent the molecule. Pharmaceutical medicines can be used in my view when they are the last resort. After all why take chances? The human body evolved over millennia and adapted to the environment and the foods in it. We did not adapt to drugs invented in a laboratory and the body often has difficulty processing man made remedies simply because they are not part of our natural environment.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Dog Allergy Remedies

What is the first thing most doctors recommend for treatment of dog allergies? The unthinkable-they want you to give up your best friend. Anyone with a pet can understand just how devastating this could be. Many people love their dog or cat more than almost anyone else. I know I would never consider giving up my fur baby, and I suffer from horrible allergies. There are many other dog allergy remedies you can try so that you never have to consider giving up your beloved pet.

Dog Allergy Symptoms
When people are allergic to their dog or cat, it is their immune system overreacting to pet dander, saliva or urine. When the body comes into contact with one of these allergens, it overreacts causing an immune system response which triggers many unwanted symptoms. Dog allergy symptoms can include red or itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, stuffy nose, posts nasal drip or a skin rash. The severity of the symptoms will depend on the severity of your body's reaction.

Remedies for Dog Allergies
The best way to treat a dog or cat allergy-aside from giving up your pet-is to make changes in your home environment. Your doctor or allergy specialist may recommend keeping your cat or dog outside as an alternative to giving them up. Another option would be to keep your dog or cat in one room or area of the house. These still may not be options you want to consider. Other changes you could make would include installing an air filter in your house to try and catch as many airborne particles as possible. You could also be sure to frequently wash your dog's bed or a favorite blanket. Trying cleanup as much dog hair as possible. Basically, the natural allergy treatment would be to clean much more frequently. Better yet, have a family member who does not suffer from dog allergies clean the area for you, as it could stir up any settled dander or allergens which would aggravate your allergies.

Allergy medications are another alternative to having to give up your pet. Allergy OTC (over the counter) options include antihistamines, and decongestants, eye drops, Claritin and nasal sprays. Most of these medications provide symptomatic the allergy relief. Allergy shots are the only allergy remedy option that tries to reduce allergies over the long term. Allergy shots try to build up your body's tolerance to allergens, making your immune response much smaller in the future.

Nichole Weathers is a freelance writer for many different companies, including Demand Studios and Break. She has an extensive background in the health field, but has a wide variety of interests. 

Tag :  allergy remedies,dog allergy remedies,dog,allergy

Do You Seek Natural Home Allergy Remedies?

There are people out there who have healthcare insurance, they are able to go to the doctor and receive a prescription medication for their allergies. There are also a lot of people out there that don't have insurance. For people very much like yourself, you seek you want to be able to find some Natural Home Allergy Remedies. The first thing that you are going to want to do is to realize what type of allergy you suffer from.

If you suffer from a food allergy you are going to want to be really careful when using food as a remedy. You might even want to go ahead and talk to a doctor about your food allergy. Now if you don't suffer from food allergies you can seek relief with natural home allergy remedies. You can suffer from seasonal, pet, mold and mildew allergies. These types of allergies you can seek help from.

One natural way to seek relief is with green teas. They have antihistamines in them and they also help calm you down. Do you know that oatmeal is an allergy remedy for hives? Add one cup of boiling water on the oatmeal, strain the water and let the water cool down. Then apply it to the hives. You can eat one or two bananas a day for about a month and they will help relieve your allergies.

With pet allergies you can limit your amount of exposure to them when inside. It is also a good idea to keep them out of your bedroom. Mold and mildew places in your house should be avoid if possible, also watching the pollen report on your news will help you to be able to plan your day outside. These ideas will help to ease your allergy symptoms.

Some people try to clean their house as much as possible so that they can cut down on the amount of dust in their house. If you have the money you can have a cleaning service come to your house and do a complete cleaning. Some even clean the mold out of your house for you depending on what type of service you need.

You can also search over the internet for products for sell. You can generally find some really goods product out there. That is something that can be done right from your house and you don't have to leave. Try a couple different natural home allergy remedies each for a little while to see which works best for you.

Tag :  allergy remedies,allergy,natural home

Friday, 4 March 2011

Natural Allergy Remedies That Can Provide Allergy Relief

When allergies strike, most allergy sufferers head to the drugstore where they purchase an antihistamine. They take it, and soon their symptoms begin to subside. They're all set until the next outburst.

Over-the-counter antihistamines are effective but unfortunately, taking them often causes unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness and a feeling of lethargy. If you're tired of feeling tired when allergies strike, maybe it's time you reach for natural allergy remedies instead.

Natural allergy remedies come in all forms and are made from many different types of ingredients including herbs, plants, ground up honey bees, and other vitamins and nutrients. Most natural allergy remedies have been designed to either stop histamine outbursts from occurring in the first place, or they act to combat the individual symptoms that occur with the release of histamines. They accomplish these tasks naturally, which is why unpleasant side effects are non-existent.

Besides treating allergy symptoms with all-natural ingredients, the term "natural allergy remedies" has come to mean something more. In addition to being a natural and effective way to treat allergy symptoms after they develop, the term can be used to describe taking control of your surroundings so that you limit exposure to the allergens that cause you trouble. For example, if pet dander is a problem, don't keep pets. Or if you must, you've got to be vigilant about keeping pet dander under control. Likewise with dust mites. You need to protect your furnishings with casings that keep this type of problem under wraps. Also keep in mind that your diet may be causing your allergies to be worse. Changing to a healthy diet can make a huge difference.

Watching what you eat is important if you've got food allergies, so taking steps to control your diet can also be considered a natural allergy remedy. In addition to closely monitoring what you eat, there also are foods you can consume that are known to contain naturally-occurring histamine combatants. For example, Quercitin, a flavinoid found in onions and apples, is capable of blocking the release of histamines which cause the familiar allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Besides being effective against allergies, there are countless other health benefits of eating these and other types of fruits and vegetables, like lowering your risk of developing heart disease and keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

If you're like a lot of people and find that monitoring what you eat is too much work, then consider taking a daily multi-vitamin. Many of the vitamins and minerals benefit the immune system which in turn helps keeps the symptoms of allergies under control.

With so many natural allergy remedies being offered, understanding the ingredients as well as the actual benefits of each can be mind-boggling. Even though these types of products are available without a prescription, if you're confused, it might be advisable to speak with an allergist or someone who specializes in natural remedies. These specialists can help explain how each of the individual ingredients work and why they're thought to be effective. This type of information may help you decide whether natural allergy remedies are right for you.

Finding Natural Allergy Remedies

Today's world has seen the increased use of chemicals in food, other products and in our air and water. This weakens the body's immune system. Over time, we become susceptible to various diseases and other health problems. Among the problems we and our children face are allergies.

What Is An Allergy?
An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to what is a normal substance in the environment. Common allergens are
  • Pollen
  • Dander of cats and dogs
  • Grasses
  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Eggs
Treatments For Allergies
There are several ways to control allergies. The marketplace is full of different products. As treatments for allergies, they promise relief from your allergy problem. Many brand name products do provide temporary allergy relief, but at what cost? The ingredients within these substances can cause side effects making you feel tired, listless and sleepy. This is not true with natural allergy remedies. Natural allergy remedies consist of a multifaceted approach. This involves the following aspects of your life style:
  • Diet and Nutrition - select only high quality whole foods. This includes grains, legumes and vegetables. Steam instead of boiling or frying your food. Eat your food raw. This provides the enzymes you find your body will need to help digest your food completely
  • Consider nutritional supplements as beneficial in helping your body fight against an allergy problem
  • Get plenty of rest. Lack of sleep makes you more susceptible to allergies
  • Spend time out of doors in the sunshine and fresh air
  • Avoid stress, worry and other forms of anxiety. These contribute to the breakdown of your immune system and open you up to suffering from an allergy.
  • Do not sleep on bedding made up of down
  • Consider hydrotherapy
These methods may prove to be helpful. However, there are times when you may find you need to use a natural product.

Natural Allergy Remedies
Natural allergy remedies are those containing all-natural substances. The most common ingredients in these products are
  • Quercitin - a flavonoid found in apples and onions
  • Eyebright - this small, perennial plant has a long history in herbal treatments. Its anti-inflammatory and mild decongestant properties act together to reduce the response of your body to an allergen. Eyebright reduces eye irritation, sinus infections and the symptoms of hay fever
  • Arsen Alb
  • Nat Mur - a biochemic tissue salt that helps eliminate and control itching, hives, colds and hay fever resulting from exposure to allergens
  • Kali Mur - a tissue salt that helps control head colds and digestive weaknesses
Natural allergy remedies ensure your body does not suffer any side effects if taken according to instructions. The treatment is gentle.

A commercial treatment for allergies tends to have undesirable side effects. To avoid these consider taking natural allergy remedies. If you combine such products with a sensible diet, you can help improve your immune system. In turn, this will help control and prevent any future allergy problem.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

4 Best Natural Allergy Remedies - Natural Ways For You To Get Immediate Results

Natural allergy remedies, if used properly, will help you improve your allergy condition in the most dramatic way that you can just stop taking your allergy medication. I personally use natural allergy remedies to relieve my allergy condition all the time. It is very effective indeed, and that there is no doubt about it. In this article, I wish to share with you some of the most effective allergy remedies in the world. Without wasting time, let's get started.

1. Change Your Diet and Eating Habits
Changing your diet habits is one of the best natural remedies to your allergies. Basically, you need to know that actually allergies are inflammatory diseases, and if you are able to suppress or stop the production of inflammatory chemicals in your body, you are actually already doing your best to improve your allergy condition. Now the question is, how do you reduce/stop the production of inflammatory chemicals inside your body? You can do so by stop eating foods that contain a massive amount of fat. By cutting down your daily fat intake, you are effectively reducing the inflammatory chemicals in your body, thus lowering the risk of allergies. And by eating a balanced and healthy diet, you will be able to improve your allergies.

2. Eat Foods That Combat Allergies
There are some foods that are extremely beneficial if you have allergies. I'd just list a few now. If you have no dairy allergies, you must make sure that you take in a lot of yogurt everyday. Research showed that by drinking yogurt drink everyday, patients were able to reduce their allergy symptoms by a massive 90%! Other foods that you might want to eat include foods(fruits and vegetables) that contain a high volume of vitamins and minerals. Meat and seafood are, most of the time, not beneficial to your allergy condition. In fact they might even worsen your allergies. Take note.

3. Quail's eggs.
By eating quail's eggs, people have recovered from asthma and allergies. You too can use it to your advantage in order to improve or get rid of your allergies. So how does eating quail's eggs as well as other foods is able to improve your allergy condition? As you might know now, allergy is a kind of inflammatory disease. One of the best natural ways to relieve your allergies is by reducing the inflammatory chemicals in your body. To do this, you need to do two things. Firstly, cut down your fat intake. Secondly, eat foods that contain anti-inflammatory substances. Quail's eggs contain tons of those anti-inflammatory substances that reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in your body.

4. Herbs and spices
The best and most effective herbs that I have used are ginger and turmeric. I started to drink especially ginger juice a year ago on a daily basis, and my allergy condition have noticeably improved. Two small glasses of ginger juice everyday would be enough to do the magic. Cinnamon is especially helpful in aiding and relieving allergies and asthma. Garlic will do a lot of good by reducing the production of inflammatory chemicals.

And whenever you get rashes and redness from skin allergies, you can apply a small amount of aloe vera to relieve the itchiness and redness.
Tag : allergy remedies,natural allergy remedies,natural,herbal allergy remedies

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Natural Allergy Remedies

What is the allergic reaction and what are natural allergy remedies?
The understanding of the nature of an allergic reaction will allow you to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, being guided by ordinary common sense. First of all, imagine a grain of pollen which is covered by needles and irritants. And now pretend that this enemy gets down into your nose and is held by a soft mucous tissue layer. This mucous tissue layer covers our bronchial and nasal ways and contains immune cells which refer to as corpulent cells. At top of each corpulent cell there are sensory receptors, and at contact of a receptor to potential allergen; pollen, a mold or wool of animals, it submits an alert signal on a corpulent cell which in the response lets out Histamine and other chemical substances. Histamine causes a number of chemical reactions which should assist an organism to get rid of allergens, you starting to sneeze, eyes weeping, whole body is itching.

WHAT TO DO? First of all. If you have a little baby, who is just learning to eat solid food, that's a time when food allergic reactions will start it's way in the body. If you want to avoid it, introduce the new food to the baby by gradually increasing the volume, starting from one drop per day. Next day, give baby two drops, and next day three drops. Do the break for one week and then start again with the small piece, next day two small pieces and so forth until baby could eat the whole thing. If you do that, your baby will not have any Food Intolerance and your baby will not need any natural allergy remedies. But what about seasonal allergies? Which natural allergy remedies we can find?

Foods Are The Natural Allergy remedies. People who consumed foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids were less likely to have allergic reaction symptoms than those who did not regularly consume these foods. Omega-3 fatty acid helps fight inflammation and can be found in cold-water fish. Walnuts and flaxseed oil, as well as grass-fed meat and eggs are also great Natural allergy remedies.

Bees create natural allergy remedies too.

Bee Pollen increases the vitality, raises physical endurance, gives support to immune system, digestion, promotes weight lose, strengthens mental wellness, protects your heart, fights cancer, an arthritis and even stress. It is believed, that the use of bee pollen internally promotes delay of aging, and conservation of energy of a youth. Bee pollen is one of the most powerful natural allergy remedies that have ability to reduce of an allergy and a hay fever.Nature has a lot of natural allergy remedies to offer.

Pleurisy root is one of straight forward natural allergy remedies. Pleurisy or Plevritis is an inflammation of the tissues, pleura, surrounding the lungs and lining the rib cage. This natural allergy remedies was widely used as an expectorant in the late 19th century. It has been suggested for allergies, colds, flu, bronchial and pulmonary problems. Occasionally this cure was given with cayenne pepper at the beginning of cold. American Indians chewed the dehydrated root or made a tea by boiling the root as a remedy for bronchitis, pneumonia, and dysentery.

Neti Pots is one of the easiest natural allergy remedies. You can cure allergies by washing away allergens with seawater? Neti pots, small vessels forged like Aladdin's lamp, have been utilized in India for 1000s of years to flush the sinuses and keep them clear. It's a thought that takes some getting used to for most Westerners, but it's a little like applying nasal spray. A little douse of saltwater can wash away those thorny pollen grains and help treat allergic reactions and other forms of sinus congestion.I found that nasal flushing was a gentle and one of the simplest natural allergy remedies to treat seasonal allergic reactions in minors, and greatly cut down their use of antihistamines.You can just use your cupped hand rather than a neti pot to wash sinuses, but netis are affordable, and a lot of people find them much easier to apply. To flush your sinuses, mix a quarter to a one-half teaspoonful of none iodized common salt into a cup of warm water and pour it into the pot. Leaning over a sink with your head slightly angled to one side, and then put the spout of the neti into one nostril and let the water to drain down the another nostril. Apply near one-half of the solution, and then repeat on the remaining side, angling your head the different direction. Gently blow out each nostril to clear them up totally. Neti pots are widely available on the internet and at natural food stores. Use your pot roughly twice a day during allergy season, especially in the morning and after spending time outside. You also can apply a neti pot prior to bedtime to prevent snoring caused by allergic reactions and boost optimal overnight breathing.

Nettle is one of the most popular natural allergy remedies. If you decide you want an antihistamine but want a natural alternative, stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) behaves in much the same way as a lot of the drugs sold to treat allergic reactions, but without the unwanted side effects of dry mouth and sleepiness. Nettle in reality subdues the body's ability to develop histamine. It's a common grass in many regions of the United States, but the most functional healthful form to use as part of natural allergy remedies is a lyophilized extract of the leaves sold in capsules. Studies have shown that taking about 300 mgs every day will offer relief for most people, although the effects could hold up only a couple of hours. You also could make your own tinctures or teas with stinging nettle.That's all for today about natural allergy remedies.

Tag : allergy remedies,natural allergy remedies,natural,homemade allergy remedies

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Natural Allergy Remedies That Can Treat Your Allergies Without You Getting Foggy

Natural allergy remedies are becoming the preferred choice of people to use against their allergies. There are several reasons why many people are looking for other options besides artificial or man-made remedies:
- Artificial remedies are often not that effective in treating the allergy symptoms, which usually requires you having to take two or more medications in order to experience total relief from your allergies. While one medication might treat sneezing and itching, it often takes another medication to treat the nasal congestion.
- Artificial remedies are often quite expensive - just a box with 10 doses often costs anywhere from $5-$10.
- Many artificial remedies come with unwanted and annoying side effects, such as nasal irritation and drowsiness. Thus, you cannot plan on taking your medication and then driving to a location as it is not advisable for you to operate heavy machinery after you have taken your medication. Therefore, you either have to chance driving while being a bit "foggy" or you have to deal with your allergies while driving because you can't take your medicine.
In addition, when pet dander, mold, pollen, or another allergen trigger enters your nasal passages, most artificial remedies will attempt to treat the natural responses or histamine your body releases in reaction to that allergen trigger. These natural responses include sneezing, itching, and watery eyes, and all are designed to try to expel the allergen trigger from your body.
Conversely, natural allergy remedies can help to prevent an allergic reaction BEFORE it occurs.
One natural allergy remedy that is becoming quite popular is using a "neti pot". A neti pot is a small container shaped like a genie's lamp that contains saltwater, which is often used to clean the nasal passages naturally. Saltwater is quite effective in rinsing away the pollen grains that help to trigger allergic reactions.
Another natural allergy remedy to consider using is a bioflavonoid called quercetin. Quercetin helps to stabilize mast cells and keep them from releasing histamine, thereby blocking allergic reactions. You can find it in many different foods, such as citrus fruits, onions, apples, tomatoes, and wine, but you will likely need to take supplements in order to build up the amount of quercetin in your system to a level where it can help thwart allergy reactions, as you'll need around 1,000 milligrams a day. Pregnant or nursing women should not take quercetin, nor should people who have liver disease, so contact your doctor and make sure that one of the conditions above does not apply to you before taking quercetin.
A third natural allergy remedy is to take "stinging nettle," a common weed that acts like the antihistamines used to treat allergies, but unlike them, will not dry out your mouth or cause drowsiness. This works because nettle actually prevents the body from producing histamine. The most practical form of stinging nettle comes in capsule form as a freeze-dried extract of the leaves that make up this weed.
As you can see, you do not have to resort to prescribed or over-the-counter antihistamines in order to experience relief from your allergies. There are many natural allergy remedies that have proven effective in relieving and even preventing allergic reactions to pollen, pet dander, mold, and other elements. If you want an inexpensive and more effective way to handle and even prevent allergic reactions from reoccurring, consider trying the seven natural allergy remedies and experience the difference you feel from utilizing natural allergy remedies.
Tag : allergy remedies,natural allergy remedies,allergies,foggy